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Home > FaxBetter FAQ’s > Billing > I want a refund of my port processing fee
I want a refund of my port processing fee
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Port information must be supplied exactly how your current carrier has it listed on your account. You should verify with your current carrier what information they have before attempting to resubmit. Some carriers are pickier than others. 

By law they can not reject the port as long as you: 

  1. Supply the correct verification information
  2. Approve the port
  3. Do not have any outstanding balance with your current carrier
  4. Have not contractually committed to keep the number.  

Have you complied with all four of these criteria? 

The port fee is for us to process the port. We have done our job and will continue to do our job as many times as it takes to get your port processed. That is why it is not refundable.

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